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Joint Statement – European stakeholders for a level playing field for online marketplaces and effective enforcement

EucoLight - Publications
18 September 2024

NGOs and European industries are once again joining forces to urge EU policymakers to
prioritise closing legal loopholes in the regulation and enforcement of online trade
via online marketplaces during the 2024-2029 mandate.

Online marketplaces play a significant role with a growing number of consumers today
engaging in e-commerce, matching buyers and third-party sellers, attracted by benefits
such as convenient search and payment mechanisms and broad product and seller choice.
However, we want to draw attention to the ever-increasing number of non-compliant
products available on the EU market through online marketplaces. These products
span various policy areas, including product safety, sustainability, intellectual property
rights (IPR), or the participation in extended producer responsibility schemes (EPR

Read the full letter for detailed concerns and recommendations.

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1 - Joint Statement level playing field for online marketplaces and effective enforcement
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